
Pomeroy Representative speaks in Seneca Falls

By July 26, 2019 No Comments

Pomeroy rep. at Seneca Falls

William G. Pomeroy representative, Paula Miller, comes to the podium to talk to a crowd at Seneca Falls about the Pomeroy marker/ National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites (NCWHS) partnership.  She is dressed like suffragist Susan Look Avery, who was recognized in Louisville, Kentucky with the first National Votes for Women Trail (NVWT) marker.  Dr. Judith Wellman, NCWHS Vice President and head of the NVWT Advisory Committee greets Coline Jenkins, Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s great-great granddaughter.  Dr. Wellman went on to describe to the crowd NVWT efforts to be the first to capture the ethnic and geographic diversity of the women’s suffrage movement.