
Telling Women’s Stories: A Toolkit for Historic Sites and Museums Launches!

By September 12, 2023 No Comments
The NCWHS is excited to announce the launch of the Telling Women’s Stories: A Toolkit for Historic Sites and Museums, created by the NCWHS Research and Interpretation Committee to assist sites as they expand and integrate their efforts to tell the stories of women and their historic experiences.
Here, we want to share our insights with others who present history to the public in many different venues. Each of these venues has its own approaches and vocabulary, which sometimes complements each other and sometimes clashes. We appreciate all such venues whether museums, historic sites, house museums or parks, of all sizes and foci, whether publicly or privately owned. The NCWHS exists to support the interpretation of women’s history at all kinds of historic places. Our authors include public and academic historians, site managers and interpreters from different parts of the country.

The Toolkit was recently presented by Andrea Malcomb, NCWHS Co-President, and Brandi Burns, NCWHS member, at the American Association for State and Local History National Conference in Boise, Idaho.

Find the Toolkit on the NCWHS website at: